Geosesarma cf. rouxi

Geosesarma cf. rouxi:

Geosesarma rouxi Serène, 1968 is a terrestrial freshwater crab from the highlands northwest of Maland in East Java near Pujon at around 1,100m above sea level (Ng & Wowor, 2019). Coloration of adult G. rouxi crabs are not described by science so there is a possibility that those of Geosesarma rouxi in captivity are misidentified. They should probably be listed as Geosesarma aff. rouxi until the TGD Team can identify them under a microscope based diagnostic criteria. Something to note as described by Ng & Wowor (2019) is that G. rouxi has a characteristically trapezoidal carapace and a very unique G1 that is short and stout with a very short almost rounded chitinous distal portion which separates itself easily from the other Javan species.

Size of Geosesarma rouxi:

The paratypes were 10.0mm x 9.5mm and 12.6 x 12.3mm (Ng & Wowor, 2019)

Habitat of Geosesarma rouxi:

There is no habitat information listed for Geosesarma rouxi

Geosesarma rouxi adult on the hand, Courtesy of Paulo Padilla

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Geosesarma Genus Page

Gesesarma bicolor

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Geosesarma tiomanicum


  1. Padilla, P. (2022). Geosesarma rouxi, Species Banner. Permission granted solely to TGD.

  2. WoRMS (2022). Geosesarma rouxi (Serène, 1968). Accessed at: on 2022-12-06

  3. NG PKL., & Wowor, D. (2019). The vampire crabs of Java, with descriptions of five new species from Mount Halimun Salak National Park, West Java, Indonesia (Crustacea: Brachyura: Sesarmidae: Geosesarma). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 67(1), 217-246.